
Friday, October 22, 2010

Season 11 - Week 23

BPC Season 11 - Week 23

Steven es en fuego, peaking at the right time and not only pointing for the third week in a row, but taking down first place.   His overall lead is now a healthy 16 points (I think the most its been all season), and would have been more but Jeremiah pulls in his second 2nd place in three weeks, pushing past Potts to take control of 2nd place again.

Steven is also the Mini-Season 5 points leader.  If he wins it, it will be his second of the season and we'll need a dump truck for all his chips at the final table.  This is getting just a little too easy for him.  I means seriously, look at his picture, its like its turned into a boring job for him.

Other than that, there was no movement in the Top 9.  Eric returned back to the game after a two week layoff, and takes down 3rd place.  The 9 points moves him past Padma, Chess, Sungina and Kurt, and into 13th place overall, just 7 points out of the coveted Top 9.

Judy took 4th place, and moves into a tie with Nicole (whose Aces got cracked twice in the first 10 minutes of the game) for 11th place at 60 points, just 5 points out.

And Kurt took the scrappy 5th place, moving him absolutely nowhere.  But at 51 points, he's only 14 points out of the Top 9.

Padma was the Bubble.

My cold streak is extended to 8 weeks, after running into pkt K's near the bubble for the second week in a row.  This after watching 3 or 4 short-stacked players cling to life with their all-in's time and time again.  I really hate poker.

Top 9 Changes:  None.

Chester's cold streak is extended to 14 weeks.

ONLY 2 WEEKS LEFT IN THE SEASON!!!  Current projected cutoff is about 71.  (See below.)

Player   Week 23
Steven   15
Jeremiah 12
Eric      9
Judy      6
Kurt      3
Padma     Bubble

Player     Total
Steven    114
Jeremiah   98
J Potts    94
Arjan      81
Jagu       76
KarJacked  69
Scott      68
Jeena      67
Bagu       65
- - - - - - - - - -
Mike       62
Nicole     60
Judy       60
Eric       58
Padma      54
Chess      53
Sungina    52
Kurt       51
-- Out of Contention --
Remo       34
Morgan     32
Ruby       25
J Hall     23
Omar       22
Julius     18
Ben        10
Nisha       8
Anthony     8
RiceCake    7
Kelly       7
Guest 1     7
Guest 2     2

Player     Mini-Season 5
Steven    33
Jeremiah  25
J Potts   22
Judy      19
Padma     17
Eric      11
Remo       7
-- Everyone else is Out of Contention --

Player    Projected
Steven    123.9
Jeremiah  106.5
J Potts   102.2
Arjan      88.0
Jagu       82.6
KarJacked  75.0
Scott      73.9
Jeena      72.8
Bagu       70.7
- - - - - - - - - - -
Mike       67.4
Nicole     65.2
Judy       65.2
Eric       63.0
Padma      58.7
Chess      57.6
Sungina    56.5
Kurt       55.4

Player   Total Played Avg
Steven    113  22    5.1
J Potts    89  18    4.9
Jeremiah   98  23    4.3
Arjan      81  22    3.7
Remo       34  10    3.4
Jagu       76  23    3.3
Scott      68  23    3.0
Padma      54  18    3.0
KarJacked  69  23    3.0
Bagu       65  22    3.0
Jeena      67  23    2.9
Eric       54  19    2.8
Judy       60  22    2.7
Mike       62  23    2.7
Sungina    48  18    2.7
Nicole     60  23    2.6
Kurt       51  20    2.6
Chess      53  23    2.3
Julius     18  10    1.8
Omar       22  14    1.6
Nisha       8   6    1.3
Anthony     8   6    1.3
J Hall     23  18    1.3
RiceCake    7   7    1.0
Kelly       7   7    1.0

Second place, Jeremiah...
Third place, The Milkman...
Fourth place, Judy...
Fifth place, Kurt...
The Bubble Zone...

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