
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Season 11 - Week 20

BPC Season 11 - Week 20

The Brothers Tejawani are on da roll.  Jagu takes down Week 20, and also wins Mini-Season 4 and all the bonus chips that entails.  After a bit of a dry spell during the middle of the season, Jagu now has 3 pointings in the last 4 weeks, including TWO first places.  That will move you up the ladder, and how... Jagu is now in 5th place overall.  Just 4 weeks ago in Week 16, he was in 16th place.

Not to be out done, big brudder Arjan got 2nd place, for the second week in a row.  That moves him all the way up to 2nd place overall, just 5 points behind The Hurricane.  Don't call it a come back, but Arjan had only 2 pointings for 18 points all of last season.  He's almost tripled that this season with 6 pointings for 63 points, so far.  

And let's not forget that Bagu won last week, making it a Tejewani tri-fecta for the last 3 weeks.  When does the Kumo love kick in?  I've blanked for 5 weeks in a row now, and have slipped all the way down to 7th place.  Boo.

Karrie of KarJackedville got 3rd place, and now has 45 of the 51 points that Team KarJacked has from pointings.  Jackoff gets to play in the next game, with not only their overall standing on the line, but is also playing to give Karrie a high draft pick in the upcoming Po-Golf tourney.

Remo got 4th place, and Nicole bagged the scrappy 5th for the second week in a row. 

Top 9 Changes:  Mike out, Jagu in.

Hee Hall was the Bubble Boy, for a season-leading 4th time.

Chester's cold streak is extended to 11.

Player     Week 20
Jagu      15
Arjan     12
KarJacked  9
Remo       6
Nicole     3
J Hall     Bubble

Player     Total
Steven     81
Arjan      76
Jeremiah   73
J Potts    72
Jagu       71
KarJacked  66
Scott      65
Jeena      64
Bagu       62

- - - - - - - - -
Mike       59
Nicole     57
Chess      50
Sungina    49
Kurt       47
Eric       47
Judy       41
Padma      37
Morgan     31
Remo       27
Ruby       25
Omar       21
J Hall     21
Julius     15
Ben        10
Nisha       8
Anthony     8
RiceCake    7
Kelly       7
Guest 1     5
Guest 2     2

Player     Mini-Season 4
Jagu      38  <--- WINNER!!!
Arjan     27
Padma     27
Jeremiah  21
J Potts   21
Nicole    20
Bagu      19

Since it came up last week, stats for Average Points Per Game Played:

Player   Games Pts  Pts/Gm
Morgan      4  31   7.75
Ben         2  10   5
J Potts    16  68   4.25
Steven     20  81   4.05
Arjan      19  76   4
Jeremiah   20  73   3.65
Jagu       20  71   3.55
Remo        8  27   3.37
KarJacked  20  66   3.3
Bagu       19  62   3.26
Scott      20  65   3.25
Jeena      20  64   3.2
Mike       20  59   2.95
Nicole     20  57   2.85
Sungina    17  47   2.76
Kurt       18  47   2.61
Chess      20  50   2.5
Eric       18  45   2.5
Padma      15  37   2.46
Judy       19  41   2.15
Julius      7  15   2.14
Omar       13  21   1.61
Nisha       6   8   1.33
Anthony     6   8   1.33
J Hall     16  21   1.31
RiceCake    7   7   1
Kelly       7   7   1

Second place, Arjan Uncle...
Third place, KarJacked...
Fourth place, Remo...
Fifth place (again), Nicole...
Too much carbonation will cause you to Bubble, keep an eye on it Hee...
10 weeks no pointing?  No, make it 11.  But thanks for not holding up that 11th digit Chess...
The Bubble Zone...

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