
Friday, May 7, 2010

Season 10 - Week 24

BPC Season 10 - Week 24

Jeena took it down last night, and the win is HUGE for her, pushing her up to solo 7th place and in a relatively safe position.  Just relatively though, because there's still plenty of scenarios where she gets bumped out.  I think the last 4 positions are still open, but I'll leave the what-if scenarios to Jeremiah who usually does a pretty good job of mapping it all out.  He's got his work cut out for him this year though.

Chester got second place, ending a very arid spell for him.  But the 12 points pushes him ahead of Kurt for the first time in a while, and within striking distance of the top spot.  I think he needs a second or better, with a blank from Bagu and no first place from Kurt.  Sickness.

Jagu got third and the 9 points really helps his cause.  At 76 points and 3 people behind him, he's not locked in but gotta be feeling kinda good.

Jeremiah bagged 4th place and is back in the Top 9, and Hee got 5th adding just a bit more security for him.  Nicole was the bubble.

One week left!!!!

Player     Week 24
Jeena      15
Chess      12
Jagu        9
Jeremiah    6
J Hall      3
Nicole      Bubble
Player      Total
Bagu        94
Chess       86
Kurt        85
J Hall      79
Eric        78
Jagu        76
Jeena       73
Steven      72
Jeremiah    72
- - - - - - - - -
Omar        71
Scott       69
J Potts     69
Ruby        65
Nicole      65
Sungina     59
Mike        59
Cupcake     58
Padma       39
SoupOrSalad 37
Arjan       36
KarrieCake  33
Guest 1     28
Judy        22
Kelly       18
Julius      15
Derek        6
Nisha        4
Guest 2      2

Player      Mini-Season 5
J Hall      25
Scott       20
Bagu        18
Jeena       18
Nicole      18
Jagu        17
Steven      17
Chess       15
Mike        15
Ruby        14
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Everyone else      Is out of contention

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