
Friday, April 30, 2010

Season 10 - Week 23

BPC Season 10 - Week 23

Conventional wisdom has always been that 70 points gets you into the big show at the Final Table.  But its looking more and more like that may not be the case this year, probably due to a combination of overall fewer players on average, and no one really running away with the points.  I had thought we would learn a lot more after last night's game, but we really didn't.  Its still a really tight race, and basically for most people going into the last 3 weeks of the season, IF YOU WIN - YOU'RE IN.  (Huh huh, he said urine.)

There are some exceptions though.  After last night's game we do now have some people that are officially out of contention for the Top 9.  Everyone from 18th place and beyond are OUT and will be hosting the second table.  Notables include Padma, SoupOrSalad, Arjan, KarrieCake and Judy.  Judy has just 2 weeks left to avoid becoming the first player ever to go coast to coast without pointing.  I know I'm rooting for you Judy!  (And everyone in 18th place and beyond for that matter.)

Last season's champion Hee Hall has had his share of ups and downs this season, including back to back bubbles a couple of weeks ago, but he was able to outlast everyone last night and the 15 point are huge.  He's at 76 total and 4th place overall, pretty much guaranteeing him a chance to defend his title.

Tuan got 2nd place, and those 12 points are equally huge for him.  After lingering in the cellar for most of the season, he's now at 58 points and tied with Sungina, Jeena and The Cup at 15th place.  They all still have a shot at it with a win.

I got 3rd for the second week in a row, and have finally snuck back in to the Top 9, tied with Potts at a precarious 68 points.  That ain't gonna cut it and I think we both need another pointing to secure a spot.  Potts got 5th place, and those critical 3 points keep him in the Top 9, while Jagu and Jeremiah have been pushed out, at least temporarily.

Eric got 4th, and he's now in 3rd place overall at 77 and has locked up his first ever seat at the
Final Table.  The Milkman has finally delivered.  Jeena was the bubble.

Kurt's streak is now at 8 weeks with no pointings, but at 84 points he's not being threatened and is still in the hunt for the points title.  But he's going to have to get by Bagu to do it, who unfortunately did not get to play last night to ride the rush he's been on.  Chess has had a very quiet 10 week period and has slipped down to 5th place.


Player      Week 23
J Hall      15
Mike        12
Scott        9
Eric         6
J Potts      3
Jeena        Bubble
Player      Total
Bagu        93
Kurt        84
Eric        77
J Hall      76
Chess       74
Steven      71
Omar        70
Scott       68
J Potts     68
- - - - - - - - -
Jagu        67
Jeremiah    66
Ruby        65
Nicole      64
Sungina     58
Mike        58
Jeena       58
Cupcake     58
Padma       38
SoupOrSalad 37
Arjan       35
KarrieCake  32
Guest 1     28
Judy        22
Kelly       18
Julius      15
Derek        6
Nisha        4
Guest 2      2
Player      Mini-Season 5
J Hall      22
Scott       19
Bagu        17
Nicole      17
Steven      16
Ruby        14
Mike        14
Julius       9
Eric         8
Jagu         8
Omar         5
J Potts      5
Kurt         3
Chess        3
Jeremiah     3
Sungina      3
Jeena        3
Cupcake      3
Judy         3
Arjan        2
KarrieCake   2
Padma        1
SoupOrSalad  1
Derek        1
Guest 1      0
Kelly        0
Nisha        0
Guest 2      0

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