[9:12] First man down. Omar min raises under the gun with K-10 and gets 3 callers. Flop comes K-rag-rag and feeling pretty good he bets out 400 hoping for a call. Eric pops it to 1500, which is almost half his stack. Everyone else gets out of the way and Omar thinks for a bit, then puts Eric all in. O shows his K-10 and Eric shows pkt Aces. Turn is another rag, and the river is... a 10 for the 3-outer and we are one Milkman down.
Let the record reflect that I lost with pkt K's 3 times last night within the first hour. The first one I just smooth called from the gun and flop comes 4-4-6. Sunj does some sly betting from the big blind the whole way through and I end up mucking them on the river because there were just too many things out there that the big blind could easily have beat me with, set, straight etc. Turns out she didn't have it though, well played, my fault. The second one was my fault too, I ended up calling her not believing she had the A that hit, and she did. Damn, 0-2. And the third one happened a few minutes later when we collapsed tables, but I mucked right when the Ace hit, which was good because just about everyone else on the table had an Ace. So no complaints, other than shouldn't Kings be win-able once in a while? Can we play Kings are wild for the rest of the season?
[9:35] Earl: "Man, I don't know if I'm down with this music." [Bob Marley playing]
Sunj: "Why, what's wrong with it?"
Earl: "Its all Club Med and sht. I think people are about to do the fist pump."
Conga line anyone?
[9:42] Ruby bets out 1500 and Omar shoves for 12,000. What the??!?? Ruby thinks for a bit before finally calling and shows pkt Q's, while Omar shows pkt 9's. "Red Queen, red Queen!!!" she screams, and nothing comes. Its a cover, Omar is out and Ruby is at about 38,000.
[10:20] Sunj and Earl end up all in with a J-Q-6 board, Earl has Q-10 and Sunj has A-Q. Ace on the turn, and river comes a King.
Earl: "Chop!!!"
Table: "Uh, you won dude."
Huge pot, Sungina is out, and Earl is at about 37,000.
[10:29] Ok, ok, I finally got one and can't say I never get a suck out on anyone. I was getting short stacked after giving a bunch to Kurticus Masochist. Blinds are 300 and there's 4 callers ahead of me, so I shove for 4900 with A-8. Folds all the way around to Chess who thinks for a bit while he counts his chips. Only around 8000, cool he can't possibly call if he's thinking this long. "Call." What? Really? Damnit. He shows A-10 and I'm in trouble. Flop comes 7-9-Q, not great. Turn is a Q, giving me some chop outs. Bagu comes over and yells for an 8, and sure enough it comes. Yippee! Thanks Bugs, I owe you one. I double up, and Chess is down low but doubles up through Jeremiah on the very next hand, and has a near double up a couple of hands after that. Crazy game. He did get me back later in the night though, calling my all-in at the final table with his suited 10-6 and rivering the flush. Spanky spanky.
[10:50] Nicole is getting short stacked and shoves pre-flop, getting a call from Ruby with A-9. Jack's and 9's have been hitting ALL NIGHT and the flop comes 9-9-6. Wow, ship it. But wait! Nicole has pkt 6's! Increduloso.
[11:53] Earl: "Damn, that last drink was nasty."
Nicole: "What do you have now?"
Earl: "Capt and vitamin water."
Table: "Brugh"
Earl: "Dude, I need my electrolytes."
Bagu ends up winning the night, and the 15 points are huge for him, boosting him up to solo 2nd place just 5 points behind Kurt. Earl got 2nd, and now he's in a four-way tie for 9th place with Sungina, Jeena and The Cup. Nicole got 3rd, Jackosalad got 4th and Chess slips in 5th, ending his 5 week dry spell. Hee Hall was the bubble boy.
Sungina wins the 250,00 bonus chips for the mini season.
Player Week 20
Bagu 15
Steven 12
Nicole 9
SoupOrSalad 6
Chess 3
J Hall Bubble
Player Total
Kurt 81
Bagu 76
Chess 71
Eric 69
Omar 65
Jeremiah 63
J Potts 63
Jagu 59
Sungina 55
Steven 55
Jeena 55
Cupcake 55
J Hall 54
Ruby 51
Scott 49
Nicole 47
Mike 44
Padma 37
SoupOrSalad 36
Arjan 33
KarrieCake 30
Guest 1 28
Judy 19
Kelly 18
Julius 6
Derek 5
Nisha 4
Guest 2 2
Total Mini-Season 4
Sungina 30 <--- 250,000 bonus chips!
Bagu 26
Omar 26
Eric 24
Ruby 23
J Hall 21
Steven 20
Padma 16
Nicole 13
Mike 13
Arjan 13
J Potts 10
Jagu 10
Chess 7
Jeena 7
SoupOrSalad 6
Kurt 5
Jeremiah 5
Scott 5
KarrieCake 5
Judy 5
Derek 5
Cupcake 4
Guest 1 1
Kelly 1
Guest 2 1
Julius 0
Nisha 0

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