BPC Season 12 - Week 6
Sorry this is so late, I completely forgot about the Week 6 update with all the holiday hoopla going on. And by holiday hoopla I mean freely flowing Patron. But if memory serves (and it usually doesn't) Week 6 was our annual BPC White Elephant gift exchange.
That's about all I remember from the night, so let's let the pictures do the talking. But congrats to Omar, who takes down the win in only his second game of the season. And to Jagu, who got 2nd place and extends his overall lead on the group. (Jagu has had a share of 1st or been in 1st since Week 2.)
Charlie got his 4th pointing in 6 attempts with a 3rd place this week, and is in 2nd place overall. Newlius follow up his win last week with a 4th place this week, and is in 3rd overall. Kelly got the scrappy 5th and Sungina was our Bubble Gal this week.
Judy and Scott are 0 for 6 for the season.
Player Week 6
Omar 15
Jagu 12
Charlie 9
Julius 6
Kelly 3
Sungina Bubble
Player Total
Jagu 42
Charlie 32
Julius 30
Arjan 27
Chess 25
Jeena 22
Mike 22
Jeremiah 20
David 17
- - - - - - - - -
Kurt 16
Omar 16
Padma 14
KarJacked 14
Nicole 13
J Hall 8
J Potts 7
Scott 6
Judy 6
Bagu 5
Eric 5
Kelly 5
Remo 4
Sungina 4
Anthony 4
Steven 4
Papa Kumo 3
Guest 1 3
Morty 1
Derrick 1
Guest 2 1
2nd place, Jagu...
3rd place, Charlie...
4th place, Newlius...
5th place, Kelly and Bubble Gal Sunj...
She really wanted those poker glasses...
And Ant wouldn't step up and take one for the team...
Cash table...
Final table...
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