
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Season 11 - FINAL TABLE

And we have our Season 11 Final Table Champion!!!  

After just missing the season points champion by a mere 2 points, Jeremiah came in with the second largest chip stack and was able to combine them with good play and put them to good use to outlast the rest of BPC's November 9.

It was a great final table with no shortage of action and great poker being played all around, and it was a very well deserved win for Jeremiah.  He got hurt pretty early when he took the opportunity to take Bagu out with a J-10-5 board.  Bagu shoved with just pocket 7's, and Jeremiah didn't seem too comfortable about it, but ended up calling with A-K.  Nothing came and it was a nice double up for Bagu, and a big dent for Jeremiah.  But he calmly leaned over to Potts and said... "No worries, I'll get them back."

And so he did.  I wish I had kept a better record of some of the key hands, there was a lot to write about, but it ended up with Jeremiah faced off against all 3 of the Brothers Tejwani.  They dropped one by one, the key one being Jagu, who was the massive chip leader for most of the tournament.  Finally it ended up just Jeremiah and Bagu, with Jeremiah holding 90%+ of the chips, the tournament ended when his 5-6 found a straight.

Great, great job Jeremiah, and again very well deserved.  Its great to see you with your poker swagger back.

Season 11 Final Table Champ, Jeremiah...
The great wall of Tejwani...
The hand that took Jagu out, and made Jeremiah the monster chip leader...

Heads up chip stacks...

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