
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Season 11 - Week 3

BPC Season 11 - Week 3

Earl:    "Eric, I ain't got no milk today, how come you didn't deliver it?"
Milkman: "The last carton of milk I delivered had your poker game on the side of it."


The Milkman takes it down last night for his first pointing, and Ruby is still en fuego, finishing in second place and completing the trifecta with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the first three weeks of this young season.  If she can finish the next two weeks with a 4th and 5th we'll have to name that feat after her.  The Ruby-Slam.  The Ruby Roll.  The Ruby Doobie.

In the meantime, she's got a monster lead for the mini-season bonus chips.  Bagu pulls in 4th for his first pointing, and Jeremiah and Chess take 4th and 5th respectively.  Arjan is the bubble boy.

Player    Week 3
Eric      15
Ruby      12
Bagu       9
Jeremiah   6
Chess      3
Arjan      Bubble
Player      Total
Ruby      36
Jagu      19
Chess     19
Eric      17
KarJacked 14
Jeremiah  13
Scott     11
Bagu      11
Nisha      5
Mike       5

- - - - - - - - -
Sungina    3
Steven     3
Omar       3
Nicole     3
Kurt       3
Judy       3
Jeena      3
RiceCake   2
Padma      2
Kelly      2
J Hall     2
Arjan      2
J Potts    1
Player    Mini-Season 1
Ruby      36
Jagu      19
Chess     19
Eric      17
KarJacked 14
Jeremiah  13
Scott     11
Bagu      11
--- Everyone else is out of contention ---

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