[8:14] Money is being collected, seats are being assigned, food is being consumed, playoff football is being discussed, and Chess is drinking out of a pimp cup. All is aligned in the world once again. Let's get some cards in the air now. (Speaking of which, we gotta start earlier people!)
The very first hand of the night on Table 1, and there's 3 limpers to Chester, who makes it 250 with a couple of callers. J-5-7 flop, Arjan checks, Kurt checks, and Chess makes it 1400. Arjan calls, Kurt folds, and the turn comes 8. Arjan checks again, and Chess bets 2500, causing Arjan to take some time to think. Chess: "I'll show you." Which seems to perk Arjan's interest even more. "Ok, show me." Arjan lays down his J-K off for top pair second kicker, and Chess shows J-7 for flopped 2 pair. Good laydown by Arjan.
[8:28] 8-2-9 flop, two spades. King on the turn, and the pot is already big, with Kurt and Chester in the hand. Kurt checks, Chess bets out 1000, and Kurt check raises to 2500. Chess tanks for a bit, and decides Kurt has K-8 and folds. Kurt shows 5-3 offsuit for a nifty little bluff and collects the chips.
[9:31] Down to two tables. Flop comes Q-4-7, check check. Turn is a King and I bet out 1600, getting a quick all in from Kurt for about 4000. I call with my flop set of 4's, and Kurt is out with A-K.
[9:54] 4-3-5 flop, one diamond. Omar bets out and gets a call from Judy. Turn is the 6 of diamonds. Omar bets again, and Judy calls again. River comes the Ace of diamond, and this time Omar shoves all in, forgetting who he's playing against. Judy calls, and Omar shows 6-7 for the flopped straight. Judy shows J-Q diamonds for the runner-runner flush, yeah like I had to tell you. Omar is crippled down to 1800, and Judy is over 19,000.
Omar: "Don't be surprised if I'm over 40,000 in a few hands." No, I wouldn't be surprised, but its not in the cards tonight.
[11:43] Final table, in order: Jeremiah (30,000), Karrie (8000), Nicole (2500), Chess (8500), Kumo (40,000), Arjan (16,000), Kikoo (12,000), Potts (38,000), Jeena (45,000).
I donked of 20,000 in the first two hands somehow, I think I had A-K both times, which unfortunately is not always as good a hand as it looks like.
Jeena is able to ride her chip lead and past my apparent slow rolls and take down the win for the week. Great job. The 15 points slips her into the Top 9, tied for 5th at 23 points, and gives her good position for the mini-season. Old skool Jeremiah is back playing consistently solid poker, and takes down his second 2nd place of the year, and 3rd pointing for the season, boosting him up to second place overall, tied with Chess who took 3rd last night. Potts took 4th, and I get the measly 5th spot after charitably doling out all my chips to everyone.
We're 7 weeks into the season, and we've had 7 different winners, and 7 different bubbles.
Player Week 7
Jeena 15
Jeremiah 12
Chess 9
J Potts 6
Scott 3
Arjan Bubble
Player Total
Kurt 34
Jeremiah 31
Chess 31
Omar 29
Scott 23
Nicole 23
Jeena 23
J Potts 23
Ruby 20
Jagu 20
J Hall 20
Padma 19
Sungina 18
KarrieCake 18
Bagu 17
SoupOrSalad 15
Mike 15
Guest 1 14
Kelly 11
Judy 7
Eric 7
Arjan 7
Julius 5
Cupcake 4
Steven 2
Nisha 2
Guest 3 0
Guest 2 0
Player Mini-Season 2
Chess 21
Kurt 16
Jeena 16
Jeremiah 15
Omar 10
Ruby 7
J Potts 7
Scott 4
Sungina 2
SoupOrSalad 2
Padma 2
Nicole 2
Mike 2
KarrieCake 2
Judy 2
Jagu 2
Eric 2
Bagu 2
Arjan 2
Steven 1
Nisha 1
Kelly 1
Julius 1
J Hall 1
Cupcake 1
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